How Fire Protection Pressure Reducing Valve against fire

A fire protection pressure reducing valve helps protect against fires in several key ways:

Maintains Correct Water Pressure

It reduces higher mains water pressure to a lower, predetermined pressure for the fire sprinkler system. This ensures sprinkler heads open at the correct pressure in the event of a fire. Too high or low pressure could compromise system effectiveness.

Compensates for Pressure Fluctuations

Main water pressure can fluctuate dramatically. The pressure reducing valve automatically adjusts to keep downstream fire sprinkler pressure stable, even as main pressure changes. This provides reliable protection.

Isolates Water Hammer

When sprinklers activate rapidly, water hammer shock waves are generated that could damage pipes without dampening. The pressure reducing valve’s slow responding diaphragm effectively cushions hammer surges.

Prevents False Alarms

Minor pressure fluctuations on the main side won’t trip dry pipe sprinkler systems protected by a reducing valve maintaining set pressure. This prevents costly false fire alarms.

Flow Control

The valve stabilizes water flow, protecting piping from excessive surge pressures during fire pump start up or main water break that could cause ruptures.

Code Compliance

Building codes generally require fire sprinkler systems to have their own pressure regulating equipment to ensure adequate water flow and pressure for firefighting tasks under all conditions.

A fire protection pressure reducing valve keeps sprinkler systems functioning correctly to rapidly control and suppress fires through pressure control and pressure fluctuation management capabilities.